The 3 Most Important Tools to Gain Power


By now, everyone knows about the importance of  mindset. Most people are not aware that they have power to change their reality… 

They can accept an idea about changing their jobs, their relationships, their residence, but not an idea about receiving EVERYTHING they desire.
20 years ago I did not believe that I would ever have the lifestyle that I have now.
I believed that someone else was in charge of my destiny, my career, my health, my business, and my relationships…
Over the years I have discovered that such a mindset does not allow for my power and creativity to be present in my life.
I have been searching for the sources of real power and how it can be used to create my reality EXACTLY THE WAY I WANT IT.
Have you ever heard yourself saying “I will do it when I have… then I’ll be happy and satisfied.”   I grew up with this mindset… 
I have realized that living from “some day” kills my inspiration and my dreams. That’s why I would like to share with you 3 important tools designed to shift the energy and connect you with your personal power…
The following tools will help you get ready to have a life filled with excitement, joy and anticipation!

 The 3 Most Important Tools to Gain Your Power 

Power Tool #1:

  • Write a letter as though you had achieved everything you wanted to achieve, dated 3 years from today.
  • Look at your accomplishments, your friends, the kind of job you always wanted to do, and the material things you wanted to acquire.
  • Sit quietly and get into this feeling for 10-15 minutes. I know it can be overwhelming, but stay with it anyway.
  • If your mind wanders, gently bring it back.
  • Write your insights in your journal.

Power Tool #2:

  • Make a list of 10 things you love about your life.
  • Count all your blessings and notice how much ‘good’ is provided to you every day.
  • Realize that the Universe wants to give you more, as long as you appreciate what you already have.
  • Remember, the more frustrated you are about your situation, the more frustration you will attract into your life.

Power Tool #3:

  • Take a few deep breaths and relax. Now that you are in a conscious state of mind, mentally look at your list of everything you are grateful for.
  • Get really connected with how great it is to have this in your life. Let the emotions of gratitude surge inside of you and overflow. It’s okay to have tears of joy.
  • Starting with your list of the 10 things you are grateful about today, create a second list of 10 things you want to experience in this lifetime. This will expand your consciousness and shift your energy to receive more abundance.

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