The Magic of Gratitude


How often do you say “Thank you”?

These two little words may not seem exceptional on their own, but they can have an enormous impact on your mental, spiritual and physical well-being. Based on my personal experience (and according to a number of studies), gratitude can actually make you calmer, friendlier, and healthier.

When we’re preoccupied with what we don’t have (or the negative things we do have), we literally amplify and attract that energy. It’s hard to be positive when your mind is focused on lack, envy, anger, or limitation.

The best way to start building a more positive outlook is to practice gratitude. When you take a minute to remember all the good things in your life, no matter how big or small they may be, it can pay off big time for your health. Spend some time making a list of things you’re thankful for having, rather than you wish you had. You can write about things you like about your body or do a general gratitude list, or both.

It will definitely change your mood, make you feel more uplifted, and allow you to focus on the abundance of all you have! Feel free to substitute the word “grateful” with “appreciate,” if you like. Here are five ways Gratitude can bring magic in your life:

1. Gratitude Relieves Stress

When you’re feeling tired or anxious, instead of focusing on your problems and challenges, try counting your blessings instead. Simply by remembering the positive things in your own life can help boost levels of feel-good hormones, such as serotonin and dopamine. They hormones will naturally make you feel uplifted and happy!

4. Gratitude stabilizes blood pressure

Did you know that those who practice gratitude have a 16 percent lower diastolic blood pressure and a 10 percent lower systolic blood pressure than those who don’t? The effects are accumulative: more you practice gratitude, more “goodness” you will be able to see in the world around you and in other people. When you feel safe in the world, you can relax and connect with others on a deeper level.

3. Gratitude improves your sleep

Do you have a gratitude journal? The secret is to write down things you’re grateful for every night before going to bed. One study found that those who did this for a week said they had more restful nights! You can have that too! Try it and you will be surprised by this simple practice. It doesn’t have to be a long and complicated practice. If you don’t like to write, just think about things you are grateful for. It will have the same effect and will help you have a peaceful, good night sleep.

4. Gratitude strengthen your immune system

Next time you feel a cold coming on during the winter season, make a cup of tea, find a comfortable place in your house, and contemplate on appreciating the good things in your life (such as that cup of hot tea, the roof over your head, heating system in your home, and a warm blanket). It will give a boost to your immune system and help your body fight the cold.

5. Gratitude connects you to Spirit

When you focus on what you have instead of what you don’t, you’re less likely to be depressed. Gratitude keeps you focused on the present, instead of worrying about the past or the future. Realize that worrying about the future will always create anxiety. Instead, learn to accept what’s coming next and be grateful for it. Develop trust that life (God, Spirit, Universe, or Higher Consuoscess), will take care of you and create a sense of peace and awareness of divine forces of nature within you.

Here’s the example of my gratitude list. Feel free to make it yours by adding your personal touch to it:

  1. I am grateful for my body, which helped me through many challenging things throughout my life.
  2. I am grateful for my eyes, that let me see the beauty and divinity in the world.
  3. I am grateful for my legs, that help to transport me from one place to another.
  4. I am grateful for my hands, which let me write, touch objects, people and textures, and feel the energy of others.
  5. I am grateful for my feet, which take me anywhere I want to go.
  6. I am grateful for my stomach, which helps me digest food and convert it into energy so I could use this energy to work and help others.
  7. I am grateful for my husband/wife/partner and my family and friends, whose support, knows-no-bounds generosity and unconditional love mean a lot to me.
  8. I am grateful for being alive.

What about you?

Maybe you’re grateful for your kids and how your body gave birth to them. We often forget just what an amazing gift they are in our life. Maybe you’re grateful for your job or the ability to make money, provide shelter for your family, or pay your bills.

Maybe you’re grateful because you have your father’s eyes. For being in recovery from an eating disorder. For having an amazing mentor or a teacher who changed your life. For having a gorgeous smile.

It can be anything, no matter how big or how seemingly small.

Try writing a list of 10 things, and keep that list handy so you can remind yourself whenever your inner critic starts creeping in. You might also want to keep a gratitude journal and write in it several days a week.



Irna Maryanchik, EHH-MA, EEM-CP, PLT


Best way to reverse chronic illness and get more energy

  • Do you find it difficult to lose weight or keep it off?
  • Are you overweight or out of shape?
  • How’s your energy level?

Do you get out of bed each morning energized and feel strong, vibrant, and alert whole day? Or you drag yourself out of bed and suffer from fatigue, irritability, or poor concentration?

How is your overall level of health? Are you free of pains and distressing illnesses?

Or you suffer from a chronic disorder that just doesn’t go away, such as allergies arthritis.

Do you have indigestion, low blood sugar, cardiovascular problems, headaches, depression, or frequent infections?

If you have any of these symptoms, chances are you are undernourished. For many of my clients, undernourishment is very common, even if they think they eat “correctly”. Obesity, for example, is a sign of undernourishment. My overweight clients are literally starving for nutrients to satisfy their hunger and normalize their metabolism. Even if they are eating only the highest quality healthy foods, they very deficient in the vital nutrients their body needs to work properly.

Fortunately, our body always lets us know when we are not feeding it correctly. The symptoms we experience are the signals that our body sends us, telling us that it needs to be supported with energy that matched our metabolism.

If you want to enhance or maintain your health, there is no substitute for eating according to your metabolic type. Regardless of your current physical health, knowing your metabolic type is the first step in start enjoying a life full of vibrant health and fitness, and free of the degenerative illnesses that disturb many people in developed countries.

What’s Your Metabolic Type?

The three metabolic types are Protein Type, Carbo Type, and Mixed Type. Once you identify your metabolic type and the diet that is right for you, you can modify your diet, enjoy abundant energy, and extend your life!

You and your family member might both be Protein Types, which means vegetarian-based diets and carbohydrates will not be the best food for you. But even though you both need to eat protein and restrict carbohydrates, he/she might require heavier proteins and be more reactive to carbohydrates, such as sugars and starches.

Even though you were born with a specific set of dietary requirements dictated by your genetics, your needs can shift for a number of reasons, such as stress, illness, exercise or nutrient deficiencies. Your diet is highly individualized and it is constantly changing. That’s why I energy test foods and fine-turn their diet while we work together.

When we complete their blood tests and determine their metabolic type, we can fine-tune their diet. They know exactly what kinds of foods are compatible with their body chemistry. We determine what foods energize them, make them feel great, and support their health over the longer term. They learn the secrets of combining macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) in the specific proportions that are just right for them. Learning exactly what foods to choose and exactly how to combine them is of fundamental importance for eating according to your metabolic type. The list below gives you a brief synopsis or preview of the three general metabolic types and the diets that correspond to each category.


If you are a Protein Type, it means your cells metabolize carbohydrates too quickly and your body relies on glycolysis for energy (fast oxidizer). The parasympathetic branch of your autonomic nervous system is stronger and more dominant than the sympathetic branch. Protein Types require a high protein intake in order to strengthen their sympathetic system and balance their slow metabolism. They need high protein to slow down their rapid cellular oxidation rate.

  • High protein
  • Heavy, fatty,
  • High-purine proteins
  • High fats and oils
  • Low carbohydrates
  • Metabolic Imbalance: fast oxidizer or parasympathetic dominant


If you are a Carbo Type, you need a higher percentage of carbohydrates in your diet in order to strengthen the parasympathetic branch of your nervous system. You need to consume more carbohydrates in your diet in order to speed up your naturally slow cellular oxidation rate and acidify your too-alkaline metabolism.

  • Low protein
  • Light, lean, low-purine proteins
  • Low fats and oils
  • High carbohydrates
  • Metabolic Imbalance: slow oxidizer or sympathetic dominant


If you’re a Mixed Type, you combine the other two types. You need to eat a mixture of foods that will support both sides of your autonomic nervous system – both your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Since your cellular oxidation rate is neither fast nor slow, you need to eat a mixture of foods so that you will not create a one-sided effect that speeds up or slows down your cellular oxidation rate.

  • Mixture of high-fat, high-purine proteins and low-fat
  • Low-purine proteins
  • Requires equal ratios of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
  • Metabolic Imbalance: neither fast nor slow oxidizer neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic dominant

These 3 metabolic types provide a starting point that will enable you to customize your diet and eat in alignment with your body’s nutritional needs.

Schedule a Complimentary Wellness Breakthrough Consultation with Irina Maryanchik, EHH-MA, EEM-CP, PLT

10 Ways To Improve Your Vision

Over the past years, there has been a marked in­crease in the number of people who wear glasses and contact lenses. This can be put down to drasti­cally increased computer usage both at home and at work, and increased TV watching. Good news for opticians around the world – bad news for us. I hear complaints about the eyes related problems almost daily, some people have the dry eyes and must use the eye drops daily, others have excess fluid in the eyes which creates fuzzy vision and difficulties read­ing. This article provides techniques that help im­prove the health of your eyes and prevent develop­ing eye-related illnesses.

Your eyes need regular exercise and supply of energy in order to be healthy, just like any other muscle in the body. Your eyes may eventu­ally give up on you and you will need glasses or contact lenses. This doesn’t have to be the case if you regularly take care of your eyes. In this article, I will show you how you can care for your eyes naturally so you can have great vision at any age.

If you start wearing glasses or contact lenses your eyesight will only get worse over time rather than get better as your eyes will get used to the new lenses and need even stronger lenses to function properly. Everybody who wears glasses and contacts will tell you their eyes have grad u-ally got worse over time.

Conditions such as Chronic Dry Eyes, optic neuritis, glaucoma are often associated with chronic health problems. The imbal­ance in the body can manifest in the eyes, just as the health of the eyes is frequently an indicator of the illness or imbalance in the particular organ or other location in the body.

Puffiness and Dark Circles?

Puffiness in the eye area is either caused by a pool of liquid or a pool of mucus both of which are caused by issues with the kidneys. The type caused by pools of liquid is often caused by excessive liquid intake over­working the kidneys with frequent urination, leading to inflammation.

The second type, caused by accu­mulation of mucus and fat directly correlates to built-up mucus and fat in and around the kidneys and other organs in that region of the body. The consumption of mucus and fat-containing foods such as dairy products, meat, poultry, sug­ar, refined grains, and oils. Reduc­ing or eliminating these foods from one’s diet will not only reduce or eliminate puffy eyelids and eye bags but will also correct the inter­nal cause. Regular detoxification efforts will also be beneficial.

Dark Circles under the eyes typically indicate the problems or disorders with the kidneys, and adrenal and gonad hormones. These problems can stem from issues with reproductive or excretory functions which are often caused by the ex­cessive consumption of salty, roasted, baked, or dried foods. A yellowish tone in the eye area is directly related to an over-functioning liver and gallbladder.

A gray discoloration can not only indicate an issue with the kidneys, but also with the lungs, endocrine and lymph systems, and reproduc­tive system. These issues can be caused by excessive ingestion of yang foods such as salt, dairy, ani­mal fats, and meat. It can also indicate a lack of oxygen in the body and is often present with smokers.

Poor Eye Health Indicates Dysfunction in Organs

My approach to treating eye related problems is to correct the under­lined energy systems that support the eyes and to promote the blood circulation to the eyes. I have used these techniques on myself and my clients for many years to correct a wide range of eye problems. If your notice that your vision suddenly gets worse, it can be energetically related to the dysfunction in the Kidney, Liver, or Stom­ach meridians.

Holding Acupressure Sedating, Strengthen­ing and Control points for Kidney, Liver, or Stomach meridians helps to balance many eye related issues. Your energy medicine practitioner can determine if these meridi­ans are over or under energized and bal­ance them.

When you are treated for an eye condition with using the methods described here, any underlying imbal­ances that are attributing to your symptoms will be reduced. These techniques can be helpful in treating the following conditions:

  • Glaucoma
  • Floaters
  • Cataracts
  • Eye Allergies
  • Macular Degeneration Optic Atrophy
  • Night Blindness
  • Chronic Dry Eyes
  • Tired or Twitching Eyes Bad Night Vision
  • Circles Under Eyes

Natural Ways to Improve Eye Health

There are many Acupuncture Points located around the eyes that promote eye health. These points bring energy and blood to the eyes and allow nourish­ing the tissue around the eyes.

Visual information from the eyes is processed in the occipital area of the brain, located in the back of the head. Bladder meridian passes through the eyes as well as the occipital (back) part of the brain. Activating points of the Bladder meridian is very effective in re­lieving the painful symptoms. These points are located on both sides of the face. Apply a deep pressure with thumbs, index, or middle fingers of both hands for 2-4 minutes:

Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 1.31.03 PMBladder 1 (BL-1) – This point is located in the inner corner of each eye. This point brings energy and blood to the eyes and can be used to treat eye pain as well as other eye related ill­nesses such as glaucoma, night blind­ness, early-stage cataracts, conjunctivitis and blurred vision.

Bladder 2 (BL-2) – This point is located at the inner end of the eyebrow. Some of the indications to use this point include twitching of the eyelids, glaucoma, frontal headache, blurring or failing of vision, excessive tearing, redness, swelling, pain of the eyes, dimness of vision, visual diz­ziness, night blindness, headache follow­ing alcohol intoxication, and color blind­ness.

HN-4 – Located in the hollow at the mid­point of the eyebrow, directly above the pu­pil. It is used for eye strain, acute conjuncti­vitis, cloudiness of the cornea, frontal head­ache, floaters, myopia, redness, visual ob­struction, swelling and pain of the eyes, twitching of the eyelids, and ptosis.

Triple Warmer 23 (TW-23) – The Triple Warmer 23 locat­ed in the hollow at the outside end of the eyebrows. This point is used for all eye and facial problems including headaches, red­ness and pain of the eye, blurring of vision, twitching of the eyelids, Optic nerve atrophy, and blurred vision.

Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 1.31.13 PMGall Bladder 1 (GB-1) – Located on the out­side corner of the eye. This point is used to brighten the eyes as well as for headaches, redness and pain of the eyes, failing or blur­ring of vision, photophobia, dry, itchy eyes, early-stage cataracts, and conjunctivitis.

HN-7 – Located below the eye, approximate­ly one-fourth the distance from the outer to the center side of the eye. Used for all types of eye diseases, inflammation of the optic nerve, atrophy of the optic nerve, glaucoma, nearsightedness, and macular degenera­tion.

Stomach 1 (ST 1) – With the eyes looking straight forward, this point is located directly below the pupil, between the eyeball and the eye socket. This is the main point for all eye problems, conjunctivitis, night blind­ness, facial paralysis, and excessive tearing.

Exercises To Strengthen Eye Muscles


Blinking is an often overlooked yet simple way to keep your eyes fresh and being able to focus longer. Computer users and television watchers tend to blink less, es­pecially when they are intently focused on something.

After you have done this for two minutes, mentally take note of how your eyes feel, are they strained, re­laxed, tired.

Whenever you blink your eyes are going into a brief period of darkness which helps to keep your eyes fresh and discharges previous information. This also helps to reduce eye strain.


Palming is done to relieve stress around the eyes and as a way to relax your eyes while taking a break. It gives you the op­portunity to rest your mind and your eyes for a few minutes at a time. Palming

brings increased flow of energy to your eyes and balances the brain circuits that receive visual stimuli

  • Make yourself comfortable whilst leaning forward on a desk or with your elbows resting on your knees. Close your eyes.
  • Place your two palms over your eyes, your fingers on your forehead and the heel of your hands resting on your cheekbones.
  • If possible, extend your thumbs to cover the temples. Cross the baby fingers over the 3rd eye or cross one hand over the other.

Tracing Figure 8

Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 1.50.20 PMThis is to exercise your eye muscles and increase their flexibility.

  • Imagine a giant horizontal figure of eight in front of you about 10 feet in front of you and mentally turn it on its side.
  • Trace it one way for a few minutes and then the other way for a few minutes.
  • Try figure-8-ting both eyes with fingers of one hand using a ‘Metabolizing 8’ that meets at the center. This helps the eyes to metabolize light, stimulation, and stress as well as increases coordi­nation and communication between the eyes and the brain.


Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 1.57.53 PMTap your eyelids to brings energies into motion and resets the eye’s signaling to the brain.

  • Lay the finger over an eye and gently tap on that finger with the other hand.
  • Do the same on the other eye.

This helps with eye fatigue. You may also tap along the sutures of the skull and all over the scalp and temples to help release the muscles that support the eyes. End by pulling the ears.


  • Sit in a comfortable position.
  • Stretch out your arm and extend your thumb out.
  • Focus on your thumb as your arm is outstretched.
  • Bring your thumb closer to you, focusing all the time, until your thumb is about 3 inches in front of your face.
  • Move your thumb away again until your arm is fully outstretched.

Do this for a few minutes at a time.

Essential Nutrients For Your Eyes

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and Zeaxanthin compounds are carotenoids related to beta-carotene. They are both found in large quantities in the lens and retina of the eyes. Their function is to protect the eyes from damage caused by free radicals, which can interact with and break down healthy tissue. Lutein and Zeaxanthin help protect the eyes by filtering high-energy blue light protecting underlying cell layers from potential light damage. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are found in yellow and orange fruits & vegetables, dark green, leafy vegetables and egg yolks.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid increases glutathione levels in the body. It is a naturally produced antioxidant that protects against cataracts in the eye and helps dissolve toxic substances in the liver.


Vitamin A helps prevent night blindness, stops the formation of cataracts, and may prevent blindness from macular degeneration.

Vitamin C helps the eye’s production of aqueous humor and the reformation of the cornea. It also helps to reduce the risk of cataracts.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant shown to prevent cataracts and helps prevent macular degeneration.

Vitamin B12 helps the eye shield protein in the lens.

Download my free “Weight Loss Breakfast Recipe Book for Beautiful and Slim Body“. These recipes are packed with special fat burning and protein-rich nutrients that help to lose weight, lower your blood sugar and keep your energy levels steady throughout the day.

Whether you have diabetes, autoimmune illness, or just want to eat better and have fewer cravings and binges, start your morning with these nutritious, delicious, and satisfying meals.

irina 14.2




Irina Maryanchik, EHH-MA, EEM-CP, PLT



7 Strategies to Overcome Diabetes Naturally

Did your doctor order a blood test to check your glucose assuming that you may have symptoms of diabetes?

If your fasting blood sugar is between 108 and 125 you are considered pre-diabetic. But if your number is above 125 mgm/dL, they’ll say you have diabetes, which means your cells have a resistance to the hormone insulin. Your body uses insulin to push glucose into your cells where it can provide energy. But with insulin resistance, your cells refuse to accept glucose. As a result, it builds up in your blood.

When I work with my diabetic clients, lowering their fasting blood sugar is my main step. In this article I will share simile natural methods to overcome diabetes naturally.

Click HERE to schedule a Complimentary Wellness Breakthrough Consultation to discover what stops you from losing weight.

Metformin leads to lower levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

Research show that 70-75% of people diagnosed with prediabetes will progress to diabetes. If you are pre-diabetic, your doctor will most likely put you on a blockbuster drug Metformin (also known as Glucophage). Over 120 million people take it to try to control their blood sugar. Metformin creates serious health problems and makes it even more likely that you’ll develop diabetes, because it doesn’t address the root cause of a problem.

The most serious side effect of Metformin is that it leads to lower levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) for people with an underactive thyroid.1 Researchers studied data from over 74,000 people taking metformin over 25 years. Compared to another diabetes drug, metformin was linked to a 55% higher risk for low TSH levels.

Low TSH levels increase your risk of diabetes

Researchers in the Netherlands looked at 8,452 people without diabetes.  They found that those with the lowest TSH levels had a 20% higher risk of developing diabetes than those with the highest levels. But for people with prediabetes, the risk of progressing to full diabetes was 40%.2 Because Metformin lowers your TSH levels, it increases your risk of getting full-blown diabetes.

I’ve been helping my clients not just manage diabetes symptoms, but help them reverse their diabetes using energy medicine, lifestyle, customized dietary protocols.

Natural Solutions for Diabetes 

As a first step, I recommend all my clients to exclude sugar, alcohol and carbs. My diabetes diet plan includes low glycemic foods that don’t spike blood sugar. I also recommend specific supplements that naturally improve the body’s insulin response.

Foods to remove

  • All grains and corn
  • Caffeine, alcohol, sugar and salt
  • Processed foods, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup
  • Potatoes and other white colored foods

Foods to add

Look for grass-fed beef and non-dairy products, wild-caught cold water fish, and poultry and eggs from pastured animals. Fat and protein in these foods will not raise your blood sugar. Choose healthy fats like unrefined cold pressed olive oil and coconut oil.

  • Add protein each meal – meat, fish and poultry. Protein helps your body balance insulin, build muscles and repair tissues that are essential for preventing diabetes.
  • Nuts and seeds – they are a good source of protein and have Omega 3s.
  • Low glycemic vegetables.
  • Fruits and berries with the skin.
  • High protein breakfast every morning is critical. It will help to stabilize your blood sugar, reduce cravings, and supply energy for the entire day. Download my Breakfast Recipe Book for the Beautiful and Slim body.

Top 6 Diabetes Fighting Supplements

1. Berberine

Berberine is a plant phytonutrient extracted from medicinal herbs, such as barberry and goldenseal. And its performance in human type 2 diabetes clinical trials has been amazing. One study of diabetic patients who took 1,000 mg of berberine per day lowered fasting blood sugar levels by more than 20%, from diabetic to normal levels.

Benefits of Berberine:

  • makes the blood sugar lowering hormone insulin more effective
  • decreases insulin resistance and sugar production in the liver
  • helps the body break down sugars inside cells

Recommended Dosage: 500 mg capsule two to three times a day with food. A dose of 1,000 mg to 1,500 mg is effective for many of my people (see references section).

Berberine alone can help you lower your blood sugar. You may also add other minerals and nutrients such as like green coffee bean extract chromium, or vanadium.

2. Vanadium

Vanadium is a vital trace mineral that mimics the action of insulin. It helps to transport glucose from the blood into the cells where it can be converted to energy. In one study, people with diabetes who took vanadium supplements daily lowered their blood sugar levels by 10% on average after just three weeks.

Dietary Sources of Vanadium

The best food sources of vanadium are mushrooms, parsley, dill weed, shellfish, black pepper, beer, wine, and grains.

Vanadium exists in several forms, including vandal sulfate and vanadate. Vanadyl sulfate is most commonly found in nutritional supplements.

Recommended dosage: 500 mcg 3 times daily. Don’t exceed 10 mg in a day.

3. Guava

In Japan guava tea is used for prevention and treatment of diabetes. Guava tea compounds stop absorption of sugar and help to control blood sugar levels after meals. The article published in “Nutrition & Metabolism” listed two studies showing this effect. The first study showed the short-term benefits of drinking guava leaf tea after eating white rice had decreases in blood sugar that were greater after 30 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes than people who ate the same amount of white rice followed by drinking hot water.

Drinking guava leaf tea may also cause beneficial changes in your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. According to an article published in “Nutrition & Metabolism” in February 2010, participants of the study who drank guava leaf tea had lowered total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein levels and triglycerides after eight weeks whether or not they were receiving medical treatment to lower their cholesterol levels.

When shopping for guava tea, look for varieties made from the dried leaves.

4. Vitamin D

Low vitamin D3 levels are directly linked to insulin resistance, prediabetes and full-blown type 2 diabetes. One study revealed that even a minor D3 deficiency can increase your risk of diabetes by 91%.5 You can get vitamin D3 from just 10 minutes a day in the midday sun. You may also eat Vitamin-D-rich foods like mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon, pastured eggs, grass-fed beef, and liver. Take 8,000 IUs per day.

5. Chromium

Chromium is a very important mineral to help regulate and even reverse diabetes. In one study, participants took chromium picolinate for 30 days. All participants had diabetes. After 30 days, participants’ cholesterol had dropped an average of 19 points, with LDL cholesterol (the kind that can contribute to heart disease) dropping by more than 10 points. Even more important, the average fasting blood sugar level fell by 26 mg/dL.3

6. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)

Alpha (ALA) helps to control and prevent nerve and circulatory damage done by diabetes. In one study, people taking ALA showed improved blood pressure, reduced nerve damage, and better circulation.

While chromium makes cells more receptive to insulin, ALA improves your body’s utilization of glucose. Vanadium acts like insulin and lowers your body’s need to produce insulin.

Together, these supplements will give you a natural and powerful support protocol to help balance your blood sugar and reverse diabetes.


Because of the potential for side effects and interactions with medications, take dietary supplements only under the supervision of a health care provider. Some animals given vanadate supplements have developed anemia, low white blood cell counts (the cells that help to fight infection), and high cholesterol.

People with high cholesterol, anemia, an infection, or any health problem causing a low white blood cell count, such as HIV, should not take vanadium without first talking to their doctor.

Because vanadium may lower blood sugar levels, people with diabetes who take medication to control blood sugar may be at risk of low blood sugar or hypoglycemia if they take vanadium.

By Irina Maryanchik, EHH-MA, EEM-CP, PLT — Click HERE to connect with me.


  1. Karimifar M, Aminorroaya A, Amini M, et al. “Effect of metformin on thyroid stimulating hormone and thyroid volume in patients with prediabetes: A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.” Journal of Research in Medical Sciences : The Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. 2014;19(11):1019-1026.
  2. Chaker L, Ligthart, Korevaar TIM, et al. “OR33-2: Thyroid Function and type 2 diabetes risk: a population-based prospective cohort study.” Presented at: ENDO 2016; April 1-4, 2016; Boston, MA.
  3. Wallach, Joel D. and Lan, Ma. “Rare Earths: Forbidden Cures.” Bonita, CA: Double Happiness Publishing, 1994, pp 411-12.
  4. Eidenberger T, et al. “Inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase activity by flavonol glycosides of guava (Psidium guajava L.): A key to the beneficial effects of guava in type II diabetes mellitus.” Fitoterapia. 2013;89:74-9.
  5. Huang Y, Li X, Wang M, et al. “Lipoprotein lipase links vitamin D, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional epidemiological study.” Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2013;12:17.
  6. Ropelle ER, et al. “Reversal of diet-induced insulin resistance with a single bout of exercise: The role of PTP1B and IRS-1 serine phosphorylation,” J PHysiol 2006; Sept. 28: E-pub
  7. Wallach, Joel D. and Lan, Ma. Rare Earths: Forbidden Cures. Bonita, CA: Double Happiness Publishing, 1994, pp 411-12
  8. Presented at American Heart Association’s Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, San Francisco, May 6-8 2004.
  9. Tankova T, et al. “Alpha lipoic acid in the treatment of autonomic diabetic neuropathy,” Rom J Intern Med 2004; 42(4): 457-64
  10. Personne M: Alarming increase of the number of metformin intoxications. Ten times doubled number of inquiries to the Swedish Poison Information Center since 2000. Lakartidningen 2009, 106:994. PubMed Abstract/
  11. Pang B, et al, Application of berberine on treating type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Endocrinol. 2015;2015:905749. doi: 10.1155/2015/905749. Epub 2015 Mar 11.
  12. Zhang Y,et al, Treatment of type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia with the natural plant alkaloid berberine. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jul;93(7):2559-65. doi: 10.1210/jc.2007-2404. Epub 2008 Apr 8.
  13. Hui Dong, et al. Berberine in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:591654. doi: 10.1155/2012/591654. Epub 2012 Oct 15.
  14. Guava
  15. Nutrition & Metabolism: Anti-hyperglycemic and Anti-hyperlipidemic Effects of Guava Leaf Extract
  16. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo: Antibacterial Activity of GUAVA, Psidium Guajava Linnaeus, Leaf Extracts on Diarrhea-causing Enteric Bacteria Isolated from Seabob Shrimp, Xiphopenaeus Kroyeri (Heller)
  17. Presented at American Heart Association’s Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, San Francisco, May 6-8 2004.
  18. Tankova T, et al. “Alpha lipoic acid in the treatment of autonomic diabetic neuropathy,” Rom J Intern Med 2004; 42(4): 457-64
  19. Samanta S, et al. Protective effects of vanadium against DMH-induced genotoxicity and carcinogenesis in rat colon: removal of O(6)-methylguanine DNA adducts, p53 expression, inducible nitric oxide synthase downregulation and apoptotic induction.Mutat Res.2008;650(2):123-31.


Irina Maryanchik is not a licensed physician, she has extensive experience in the fields of alternative and energy medicine. The information and material provided on this site are for educational purposes only and any recommendations are not intended to replace the advice of your physician. You are encouraged to seek advice from a competent medical professional regarding the applicability of any recommendations with regard to your symptoms or condition. It is important that you do not reduce, change or discontinue any medication or treatment without consulting your physician first. The personal stories shared on this website are personal to the users and will not be typical of the results you will have if you follow the advice provided on this website.

The information and recommendations provided on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are provided for educational purposes only.

I have been sick…

I have been very sick since last Sunday…

It started as a general fatigue and no appetite.

Couple days later these symptoms followed by penetrating headache, dizziness, body aches, chills, and itching in the throat.

3 days later I was in bed with 103 degrees fever, severe cough and breathing difficulties. I couldn’t move my body, I couldn’t talk, eat, or respond to people.

My friend, who is a medical doctor, explained that I had Pneumonia – an infection that inflames the air sacs in the lungs, causing cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing. I also learned that bacteria, viruses and fungi can cause pneumonia.

My mom has been taking care of me all this time. She used only old Russian remedies, which she learned from her grandmother. This illness allowed me to spend several days with her…  it was nice to reconnect again.

After a week of being in bed, I am finally starting to feel better as my energy is slowly coming back. I didn’t use any drugs while I was sick, not even over the counter medications like Tylenol or Advil. I have to say that my body feels so much lighter; my mind is sharper than ever, my joint and muscle aches are gone, my eyes are brighter, and my skin is glowing. My digestive system was very happy to take a break from food.

And the most important, I am grateful for my body’s ability to recognize and destroy a virus that had an attempt to invade my body.

I know, this recovery and feeling of rebirth and complete renewal wouldn’t be possible if I  took antibiotics or other flu medications. I know the difference – I used to take flu medications in the past. They made me feel drowsy, nauseous, weak, and lethargic.

When I get sick, I use natural remedies and healing foods to support my recovery. When I do that, my body and mind feel restored and reinvigorated after illness. I have more energy and feel inspired and supported by the army of ‘dedicated inner soldiers’ – my immune system that fights for my health and always wins!

This inner trust into my body’s capacity to overcome any illness is very uplifting. I experience a deep gratitude and humbleness for being alive. Only 5 days ago my entire body was sick and inflamed when I was unable to take a breath without coughing. I felt scared, as I didn’t know what would happen to me tomorrow.

My renewed health and sense well-being is a reminder about the miraculous healing power that lives within me… and within all of us…

This experience makes me feel deeply inspired and wanting to continue my healing practice to help my clients achieve their wellness goals, creating a brighter future for themselves and their families.

P.S. Do you want to know about the powerful Russian remedies that I used to cure myself? HERE is the remedy that gave me energy and helped me to detox my liver.

What is your experience? What do you do when you get sick?  Please share your comments below….

Irina Maryanchik, EHH-MA, EEM-CP, PLT

#1 Russian Remedy for Cold and Flu


Did you know that Onions were used in Europe to successfully fight off the plague in the early 1900’s?

In Russia onions have been used to fight flu and cold we well as clear impurities around the house.

My grandmother used an onion compress for the chest and feet to cure coughs, fevers and flu. She also used the onion pad to reduce pain and inflammation in her joints.

My mother used onions to protect the body from viruses and colds. She used to say that white onions worked better than red onions. It was very common to have onions at a Russian home during winter flu season and to have cut onions in the room  an ill family member to relieve symptoms quickly and naturally.

If someone was sick, she would peel the onions and left them around the house as a preventive measure against flu and viruses. She would then replace the onions every 3 months.

If someone in your home becomes ill with a cough, flu, cold or fever, place a peeled white onion cut in half in a bowl in their room. The onion needs to be cut in half in order to expose the most amount of ‘healing power’ from its pungent odor.

It’s best not to leave a cut onion open in the fridge (to eat later) because as soon as an onion is cut, it will start to absorb bacteria.

If you cut an onion for a salad, either use the whole thing or put the other half in your garage or basement to absorb bad smells. Once the onion is in a salad in a sealed container, it is safe and can be eaten at a later time.

What Makes Onions So Effective

Onions are rich in sulfur-containing compounds that are responsible for their strong odor. Sulfur is a powerful detoxifying ingredient and helps the body to release toxins, especially for the liver. High sulfur foods help your body to detox from heavy metals like lead, arsenic and cadmium.

The onion is the richest dietary source of quercetin – a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to thin the blood, lower cholesterol, ward off blood clots, and fight asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, diabetes, atherosclerosis and infections and is even linked to inhibiting certain types of cancer.

Onions are also naturally anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiviral. That, of course, is when you eat them.

Best Russian Cold/Flu Remedy

  • Cut one large white organic onion in quarters and place it in a food processor.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered organic honey and one organic lemon (cut it in half and remove seeds).
  • Blend this mixture together for 2-3 minutes until it becomes a paste-like consistency.
  • Eat one tablespoon every hour if you have flu or cold.
  • Or eat 1-2 tablespoons daily during the cold season to prevent getting sick.    

Sock Onion Remedy

  • Cut the white onion in half.
  • Place one half on the bottom of each foot so that the cut onion is against the skin.
  • Place a sock on top of the onion so it stays secure in place and leave overnight.
  • This remedy is excellent for flu and fever.

Let me know if any of these remedies worked for you. Leave your comments below.