Does Your Tribe Support You?


The Modern Tribe

Whether we like it or not, all of us live in a tribe. A tribe, of course, is a metaphor for the community that we associate with. The examples of the modern tribe include religious organizations, race, memberships, clubs, family, institutions, or friends connected by certain interests.

If you belong to a tribe, in order to be supported by it you must follow its laws. If you want to receive the tribe’s support, you need to invest your time and energy.

Tribe is all about having material things. “My wife supports me” could only be said by a tribal person.

The tribe is the most intimate when it comes to emotional issues. For example, the family tradition that is handed down as a form of family identity, the handshake to seal a deal, or strong union between best friends are all examples of the Tribal laws in action.

But the most important thing to remember is that it is about making deals that guarantee support. “I’ll clean the house and take care of the children if you go to work and make money.” Without this kind of deal making we would not survive as a human race.

maxresdefault.jpgIn the Tribal world nothing is free and support comes with a price. If a tribal person gives you something, you had better have something to give in return or you are in trouble. This is called the DEAL.

The deal can be preserved in many forms. It can be social, such as in the bringing of presents to a birthday party, or signing of a contract or with a marriage ceremony. But once the deal has been sealed, the tribe expects both parties to keep their agreements, or else the support falls apart.

The Modern tribes have their own agents, such as attorneys, bank or Union officials, politicians, CEOs, or religious leaders. The tribe uses contracts and agreements as a way to support its operating principles.

Every time you put your signature on a document or say ‘YES’ to something verbally, you are creating an association between you and another party – it becomes a contract. You have agreed to give a part of your energy to someone. These contracts don’t have to be written on paper. They may be energetic contracts that we create every day when we interact with other people or organizations.

Once a contract is signed or agreed upon, you are giving another party permission to count on you as a part of a community, and you become responsible for something. Later on a tribe can use these agreements to demand something from you.

If you entered into the wrong contracts, it can be disastrous to your life. It may cost you your physical or emotional health and take years to recover. This happened to me many times when I ignored my individual voice and entered into a contract with people who used me and ‘threw me away’.

Pelosi,_Harris,_Lofgren_on_Women's_Equality_Day.jpgSupport of the tribe has 2 sides: one is its ability to make money that supports the tribe and the other is the ability to create the social framework that holds the tribe together.

Many people, usually women, can be very sensitive to the needs of the tribe, both physically and emotionally. They help to create and nurture their community, therefore maintaining the social framework of the tribe. Their Human Design Chart has these strong tribal circuits.

Remember These Tribal Laws

  • The tribe is concerned only about its own survival, and careless about your individual needs.
  • The tribe expects you to follow its rules that were put in place in order for the tribe to gain more power through having more material possessions or members.
  • Because the tribe’s primary goal is to survive and to be competitive against other tribes on the planet, tribal rules can be strict on a mundane level.
  • The tribe created its own laws and makes it easy for us to join its community.
  • The tribe wants more members so it can be more powerful, more educated, and more competitive.
  • The tribe gives you support and benefits that you can enjoy – food, shelter, gifts, financial compensation. You can even find a relationship within the fellow members of your tribe.
  • The tribe always wants you to give something back in return for its benefits and support.
  • If you became a member, you have to pay a fee, or participate in the tribe’s activities, such as meetings, calls, and events.
  • The tribe is all about making deals with others. Its operating principle is: “I will give you this in exchange for something”.

If have Tribal Circuits in Your Design 

Tribal Circuit Group: Ego and Defence Circuits

Tribal energy is about what is good for the tribe, the family or the community. There is a common goal and set of rules that a tribe lives by. Outsiders or those who are different are not really tolerated.


If you have Tribal circuitry, you may feel emotionally sensitive to people that don’t accept your opinion or don’t want follow your rules.

You might have a constant need to nurture someone and cannot deal with the feeling that people ‘don’t need you’.

Check HERE to find out if you have tribal circuits in your Human Design Chart.

Open Solar Plexus Center

sp-oPeople with an open Solar Plexus Center may feel emotionally pressured by their family and prefer to spend time outside of their family circles. Family members can apply this pressure in conscious or unconscious ways. Pressure may feel like ‘they want me to do something”, or technically speaking, get you to consent to their terms of their contract.

People with an Open Solar Plexus Center are not energetically equipped to effectively handle tribal pressure. That’s why it’s so easy for others to get them into deals or to manipulate their decisions. In my next post I will share important strategies that help to deal with demands of other people without losing your sense of personal identity.

How do we recognize the correct contracts that will bring us satisfaction and peace?

That’s where your strategy and authority can be extremely beneficial to you. If you don’t follow your strategy and authority, you will be entering into contracts with wrong people and agreeing to things that will not sustain you as an individual, but serves the other party.

Click HERE to Get Your Free Human Design Chart.

Click HERE if you want assistance with understanding and interpreting your chart. Personalized reading by Irina enables you to see deeply into your nature of reality and your personal reincarnation, as well as discover your gifts and purpose in this lifetime.

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